I've created yet another great study in how to alienate large segments of your potential audience. Most people would have referred to it as the new Megan Fox movie. I am not most people.
I can't decide if I'm looking forward to this movie or not. As much as I love Diablo Cody is as much as I hate Megan Fox. But, there hasn't been a good succubus flick in a while, so it might be worth a view. Diablo Cody is the woman who wrote Juno by the way. Maybe I should have said that first.
I feel like the layout is much better in this comic than the last one. I'm not happy with the colors though. I got almost all of the way through coloring it and thought, "Why didn't I set this at night?" That would have been much better. I like the drawing of the succubus in the last panel at least. Oh, other comic stuff, I've decided I'm gonna try to stick to a Tuesday Friday update schedule like Wondermark. Which is an awesome comic that you should read.